Sean Hannity’s voice welcomes you into the film as you're introduced to the main plot, wrestler Mason Stone has been cancelled for his free speech & you're no longer allowed to sell his merchandise. This causes a Mason Stone action figure that was to be released before Christmas to be destined for the trash bin.
The studio behind the movie ‘Jingle Smells’ is called laugh o gram & their previous production was an Amazon prime television show that was a professional wrestling competition. This is where the movie differs from what would be expected of the typical piece of media written for a conservative audience. While Sean Hannity claims they made this film to have a family friendly conservative Christmas movie, it comes off more like the conservative aspect was an after thought in the script. It's my belief that this was a script that was finished before Hannity & John Schneider came onto the project & asked for a rewrite to add a conservative spin. As the main plot point of the wrestler being “cancelled/ cancel culture” could have easily been a story of a wrestler found to be taking a fall or am addiction & the story would have remained identical while having a more realistic narrative of loss & redemption. Instead what this character is “cancelled” for is being pro-America military while in hunting camo with his buddies & waving a compound bow, which the movie calls a firearm.
Jingle Smells' poor writing & incoherent plot stands as a reminder that two of the movie's actors, Jim Breuer & Victoria Jackson, used to be successful comedians & crew at SNL before letting their politics get in the way of being funny, & in Breuer’s case complete conservative brain rot. In the end the movie acts more as an outlet for the washed up crew to have a pay day rather than a movie made with a clear direction & passion.
Typically conservative humor does not exist, & instead it's so bad that it's funny as you end up laughing at the poor writing, acting, & idiocy of the conservatives involved. This movie failed on the basic level to do even that.
Quick summary, the movie was pretty boring overall, a man who works for his father's garbage truck gets a shipment of toys of the canceled wrestler to be disposed of, the rest of the film is him selling to a collector & eventually giving away the toys to kids for free before having a collective feel good ending where the wrestler is uncanceled & comes off surprisingly anti-corporate. Though any semblance of anti-corporate messaging in a conservative’s mind is that it's “woke businesses” that are causing your economic struggles, & not the Republican policies that have continued to cut taxes for & give more power to corporate America.